“What is Click Bait Crew? It’s a behind-the-scenes series produced by Hella Grip, showcasing the lives of the rich ‘n’ reckless. People Magazine will someday hail it as “…a pivotal insight into the stupidity and glory of everyday Sloth Life.” Season 1: Episode 01
In the Series Premier of CBC, a mysterious bag ignites tha Homies’ curiosity and fuels a journey of sub-epic discovery within the city walls of San Francisco.” By the Boss McMasher (@mcmasher) .. Weekly on Wednesdays, Until their Not.
Season 1: Episode 01
In the Series Premier of CBC, a mysterious bag ignites tha Homies’ curiosity and fuels a journey of sub-epic discovery within the city walls of San Francisco.
What is Click Bait Crew? It’s a behind-the-scenes series produced by Hella Grip, showcasing the lives of the rich ‘n’ ruthless. People Magazine will someday hail it as “…a peculiar insight into the stupidity and glory of everyday Sloth Life.”
Featuring: Jake Sorensen, Ryan Myers, Kevin Closson, Anton Abramson, Jonny 2B, Parker Jones, Jack Kopp, Ricky McCullough & Addy McMasher..