”It’s that time of year again! These sheets are hot off the printing press just in time for the holiday. We’ve taken our traditional Sloth Dot pattern and “greened” it up for all the homies looking for an extra dope sheet of griptape. Sloth Dot 420 is printed on our Formula-G sheets (extra sticky-icky, as per usual). Each sheet measures 7in x 24in. Available now at the Hella Grip Sloth Shop and sloth-minded retailers. Happy Holiday!!!” By the Boss
8th episode of ‘Sloth Talk’ with HG Homie Ryan Myers (@ryanmyers007) and featuring the Boss McMasher (@mcmasher) & 2B.
Ryan Myers – Hella Grip Colorway
Ryan Myers – Hella Grip Colorway “Ryan Myers 007 or Ryan Myers [aka Ry Ry (pronounced Rye Rye like the bread, not Ree Ree like Rhianna)] is a person, to say the least. He’s much more than a person, however. He’s a friend, a brother, a son, a future great grandfather, and maybe a future world leader (Someone’s gonna need to govern Mars eventually). Most importantly, he’s a humble Hella Grip Homie and the non-self-proclaimed Full-Whip King. Such a king deserves only the royalist of royalties. Hence, the Ryan Myers signature Hella Grip Classic Colorway. Featuring hues of royal purple and gold-leaf yellow, Ryan’s signature colorway is meant for the noble offspring of the sacred Shredders bloodline. This sacred sheet is also an homage to the luxurious purple shirt, or should I say armor, that Ryan dons during his epic shred conquests. We’re going the extra distance with this colorway and printing it on our extra grippy Formula-G sheets (6 x 24 inch). Be sure to cop a sheet from your local scooter shop soon, so Royal Ry Ry can receive his royalty payment (Even the noblest of nobles have bills to pay)..” by the Boss McMasher ..
Filmed by Jonny 2B, Anton Abramson, Alex Lopez, David Coe, Trevor Crowell, Issac Padilla, Kevin Closson, Grant Schofield & Dom Marconi..
Edited by Ryan Myers ..
7th episode of ‘Sloth Talk’ with HG Homie @littleho94 and featuring the Boss @mcmasher & 2B..
Colorway Promo: Ryan Myers
Hella Grip Homie Ryan Myers has a new video part for his hella classic sig color way dropping hella soon, this is just the promo, enjoy!!