Below you will find the Hella TGE 12 Days of Xmas 2016 Calendar. For your benefit and the benefit of the contest we are providing you with the details of each days contest in advance so you can prepare yourself for the one you might like to do most. Although in true sloth fashion we are already on day 2 so we’ll start there, day 1 was #HellaGoodXmasStuff and it had to do with the Concrete Crew, it was cool, but anyways …

Find the details on day 2 aka #HellaMartiniNog below and the rest of the days as well.

Get stoked ho ho ho homies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


To be eligible to win each day you must do the following in addition to the rules described for each day below:

1) Use the daily # indicated on the calendar and posted with each days video announcement.

2) Do what the write up asks you to do that day.

3) Make sure we can see your post, follow us, make sure you account isn’t private, etc. If we don’t know you posted it and you posted it, then did you post it?

4) Be a good sport, we can only pick one winner each day, but we hope everyone has a hella fun time with each day’s contest.

Day 1) #HellaGoodXmasStuff

Day 2) #HellaMartiniNog – For this day you must post a video of you chugging your favorite holiday beverage and of course include the hash tag. Your beverage can be anything you want so just grab something you have, chug it, post the video and use the hash tag!

Day 3) #HellaFuturisticChanukah – On this day you should post a photo or video of what you think Chanukah might look like in the future. Anything, anything at all, just make sure you use the hash tag!

Day 4) #HellaAffinityGingerWelding – On the day of Affinity though must construct some sort of something in a ginger bread house style and weld together the magnificence of the season. So basically use some graham crackers and frosting or something and make some sort of object or structure that looks like maybe you welded it together. Use the hash tag!

Day 5) #HaagsHolidayHeadBang – Head bang, aka rock, lip synch, sing along, play air guitar, dance, bust a move, drop it like it’s hot, do the hustle? Whatever, just play your favorite holiday tune, get down to it and post the video. Use the hash tag!

Day 6) #HellaBarrettClausBeard – Post a photo or video or drawing or whatever of you with your best Barrett Claus Beard made out of whatever you want, the beardiest beard wins the beard. Use the hash tag!

Day 7) #HellaSantaHatTrick – Post a video of you doing a trick with a santa hat on. Any trick, anywhere, anytime. If you don’t have a santa hat wear a bag or something, have some fun and use the hash tag!

Day 8) #McKeenTheRedNosedSloth – Just like Rudolph saved Santa, McKeen has saved countless persons countless times. So post a photo or video and tell us about a friend or family member or stranger who saved you at some point over the last year and show your appreciation for them. Use the hash tag!

Day 9) #HellaTGEHolidayLights – We’re looking for lights, holiday lights, candles, holiday lights, lights lights, more lights and lights some more. So use your lights in whatever way you can and show us some holiday lights. Use the hash tag!

Day 10) #SorensenTheGrinch – Post a photo or video of you doing something good or saying something nice about someone else to counteract all the bad vibes that Sorensen The Grinch be putting out there (we kid, we kid, but seriously, that guy’s a bad banana with a greasy black peel). 

Day 11) #HellaTGECookies4Claus – This ones a classic at this point. When Santa shows up on Christmas Even the dude be lookin’ for some cookies. So bake up some TGE themed cookies or use some cookies to create some sort of TGE themed imagery and basically just have some fun with some cookies and the TGE brands and of course USE THE HASH TAG!

Day 12) #TheGloriousElf – Post a photo or a video of something having to do with an elf or elves and even better if it also has something to do with TGE aka The Glorious Empire or any and all of the brands involved in the contest this year. Just post a photo or video and make sure an elf shows up somewhere and USE THE HASH TAG!!

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