4th episode of ‘Sloth Talk’ with HG Homie Stefan Hefner (@stefanhefner )and featuring the Boss McMasher (@mcmasher ) & 2B..
Author: hellagrip
CLICK BAIT CREW: Steepest Hill Bomb in S.F. [S3, Ep7]
San Francisco is widely known as the “Hill Bomb Capital” of the world. In this episode of Click Bait Crew, the Homies find and shred the steepest hill bomb that this reckless city has to offer.
Sloth Talk #003 | Jake Sorensen
3rd episode of ‘Sloth Talk’ with HG Homie Jake Sorensen (@sorensenjake )and featuring the Boss McMasher (@mcmasher ) & 2B..
CLICK BAIT CREW: Haag’s First Deck Review [S3, Ep6]
This is the infamous “Lost Episode” of Click Bait Crew. Was it lost on purpose or simply misplaced? The answer is hidden within the episode.
Sloth Talk #002 | Matt McKeen
2nd episode of ‘Sloth Talk’ with HG Homie Matt McKeen (@mcspleen ) and featuring the Boss McMasher (@mcmasher) & 2B..